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Youngest of Pieces: Five Becomes One (13)
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  After spending the week in Japan, practicing and doing a video for their up-coming album, the ladies head back to Korea on Friday. Hannah and Emelia went in the same van at the airport to go straight to work. Emelia have been invited to perform at a late summer concert in Seoul, she has been scheduled to attend for weeks. Hannah was scheduled to attend it in the last minute, and it means she has been busy practicing for it while being on set filming for the video in Japan. Her dancers practiced in Korea and she watched their video and practiced on her own in Japan. Besides from her usual solo songs, she is going to perform Musketeers’ [Energetic] – without the other Musketeers. Ana has done the same during the summer when performing solo. For Hannah, it’s a first. When getting her hair and makeup done backstage after rehearsals, Hannah is looking at the practice video her teacher had sent at the start of the week. The backup dancers filling out for the other members and the dance teacher taking the role as Hannah. She is watching the video to try make sure she will remember the changes, since she will sing most of it herself and hopefully have the audience sing along as well. Next to her, Emelia is sitting, talking to the staff. Emelia is in a bright mood though they have worked long hours, saying she is exhausted but energetic, if that mix works. Hannah looks up from the video to see in the mirror reflection that their makeup assistant, Hyemi, is lifting her oversized top, revealing pretty much everything for a second and the women that are in there are all laughing when she realises what she’s doing. Hannah too is laughing, glancing around to see if there are any men in there – there aren’t any. “There’s a strand of hair tickling me somewhere,” Hyemi funnily answers the question about what she is doing and secretly puts her hand underneath her clothes to find the hair tickling her. It still makes the others laugh. Once she is done making them laugh, Hyemi takes a seat to fix Emelia’s nails. Hannah joins the conversation they start about trends and colours, where the stylists do their nails and how hard it can be if the nails aren’t done properly when, for example, you need to fix someone’s hair as a hair stylist. Hannah forgets about practicing while the conversation goes on and moves on. Emelia gets her hair in two messy buns; a lock hangs out at the front. Her eye makeup is simple with long eyelashes, marked eyebrows and burgundy matte lipstick. For clothes, she goes with a military green casual button-down tank top tugged ripped high-waisted light blue jeans and high-heeled leather boots. She has a black choker necklace. She looks really cool in it, like a bad girl. Hannah, on the other hand, keeps her hair slightly wavy and loose. Her makeup is her usual style with red tulip lips and bronze cheeks. Her t-shirt has a deep V-neck to show a bit of the lace bra underneath (going full out for the summer y concept), a pair of black high waisted denim shorts, an expensive belt and finishing off with black platform pumps. They both stand by the mirror to check out their outfits once they are done. Hannah tilts her head back a bit for Chae Hwan to fix her jawline a bit, not pleased with it. “Can I have a golden necklace?” Hannah asks, checking her outfit. She isn’t wearing any accessories other than a few rings on her fingers. Her stylist picks out a matching pair of golden necklaces from the table filled with accessories, simple and in different lengths, to put on the lady. Emelia is picking out sunglasses to wear, a round pair with very black glasses and leopard prints on the frames. While getting ready, it is getting loud outside their dressing-room. At first, Emelia laughs and says their dancers are pumped to be on stage, but one voice stands out among the rest and it does not belong to any of the dancers. One of the staff members peeks out from the room and lets everyone inside know that it’s just the members of BTS. Hearing who it is, Emelia heads to the door to go out and chat with them, and it gets louder outside as the junior boy-group loudly greets Emelia. Polite and friendly. Hannah stays inside the room, just smiling when hearing how loudly they are talking outside. Hannah and Chae Hwan imitates Emelia’s voice, laughing with the others when asking how she can have such a low voice even when standing among guys. Emelia’s voice melts in with the members of BTS. The concert has started, the party outside is loud and Emelia is talking to Namjoon (Rap Monster), J-Hope and Jin right outside the dressing-room. they are excited about a lot of things. BTS making a comeback, 5 Pieces making a comeback – they talk about writing songs and about Seo Taji’s concert tomorrow. They don’t stick on one subject for long but returns to it after talking about other things. After talking for some time, Emelia leans inside the room, her eyes look tough when staring at them. “Are you laughing behind my back?” Emelia asks, suspicious of them. Hannah covers her smile behind her hand as they try to not show that they have been making fun of their conversation out there, and Emelia’s deep voice. Their stylist chokes on the water she was drinking, which obviously makes many of them laugh. “Do you have a sixth sense for bull or what?” Sung Hyo asks, throwing a tissue to the stylist to wipe up the water on the floor. Emelia holds up a finger for Sung Hyo, smiling when returning to the conversation outside. Chae Hwan leans towards Hannah to quietly laugh, embarrassed that Emelia caught them. “Hannah!” They turn to the door to see the dance teacher stand there, pointing at the lady to come with him. Hannah mouths ‘what’ and he says they have time to go through the performance for [Energetic] one more time. Hannah grimaces but goes with him, lowering her head in a greeting to the members of BTS she walks by and she hurries to keep up with the teacher to go practice with the dancers. When returning to the dressing-room, Emelia is sitting on the makeup table. She holds up a magazine that she has been going through, showing it to Hannah when she comes inside the room. “The staff apparently thinks we would want to read about our diva while waiting,” Emelia says with a smile, chewing on gum. The side in the magazine she is showing is of Maria, a shoot she did along with an interview about fashion and shoes. Emelia turns the magazine back around to look at the masterpiece, smirking at it and putting it down next to her. “She follows us everywhere.” “That’s the role of a leader,” Sung Hyo says in a serious tone, but her whole expression is having fun at it. Hannah gets up next to Emelia to see what’s written in the magazine, and to admire Maria’s long legs. Chae Hwan gets up next to her to fix her makeup, checking it once and checking it twice. Hannah and Emelia are talking in low voices about their performance that is coming up. Emelia is going through the songs she is going to perform, including [Silence Our Lips] where Hannah will feature, and Hannah cutely tells her friend that she will sing along to every single song from the side of the stage. To that, Emelia pokes Hannah on the head. “Stupid, I’m a rapper, not a singer. And you can’t rap so I doubt you’ll be rapping along to every song,” Emelia teases her, smiling when seeing Hannah pout in response. “I’ll rap to the parts I know,” Hannah defends herself. Emelia smiles wider, liking that she can tease Hannah like this. She touches Hannah’s hair after poking her head again. “Hey, when are you turning blonde again?” “Why? So you can call me Blondie?” Hannah mutters. “Yeah,” Emelia honestly answers and she gives Hannah a funny face. “Calling you Brownie isn’t as fun, especially since that is what Maria call Michin from time to time.” Hannah glances behind them at the rest of the room, Chae Hwan pausing with a powder brush for the seconds Hannah looks away. Hannah then glances at Emelia. “Shiwon said there’s more security than usual today,” she points out. “Like, a lot more. There’s four guys outside that door, for example.” At her nodding over to the door, Emelia gives it a glance too, making a face that says it could be true. Hannah says that she knows there is more security than usual, she’s not blind. Chae Hwan mumbles that she is done and steps away, while Emelia is doing something on her phone, sighing when not giving a response right away. Hannah moves in closer to whisper to her that it ould be because of BTS, they are the most popular ones here tonight, though it still doesn’t make any sense why there are guards outside 5 Pieces’ dressing-room for that. “Hannah,” Emelia whispers to her, “You’re overanalysing because of something Shiwon said.” “No, I’m not.” “You obviously are,” Emelia keeps whispering, giving her a smile and pats her on the arm. “Shiwon is just messing with you. Like he did with the apple earlier; it’s nothing wrong with the apples, Hannah.” Being the naïve person, Hannah tends to believe pretty much anything. When the backup dancer said that the apples in the room have been dipped in some nasty oil to be shining and look fresh while the insides are rotting, Hannah has stayed away from the red apples in the room. With Emelia mentioning that, Hannah gets quiet for a while. Thinking of whether she is overanalysing or not. But it’s still true that there is more security than usual, she thinks. Hannah is still quite quiet when it is time to head to the stage. Emelia is making noises when heading to the stage, shaking her hands and warming up as she is the first lady up among them. She has put on a coat for the stage, which she has planned to take off after the first song, knowing fans will love it. There is a lot of people walking with them. their usual staff of manager and stylists, backup dancers, buts also security guards. More than usual, not even twice as many but three times as many. It could be because it is two members of 5 Pieces or it could be something else, and Hannah finds it not very likely that they would have this much security of having the two of them go from their dressing-room over to the stage. It is odd and she gets upset knowing Emelia just waved it off. When reaching the stage, Hannah watches her friend get ready. Emelia is talking to their dancers and the staff, getting her microphone and commenting on how loud the audience is. Emelia is calm and collected, excited to perform. They have known each other for too long for Hannah not to notice that Emelia, who always knows everything, is unfazed by the security around them. Why isn’t she bothered by them or even glancing at them? Hannah walks up to Manager Lee, just because she doesn’t want to bother Emelia who is a few minutes from going on stage. “Oppa,” Hannah says and tugs the sleeve of her manager. He raises his eyebrows when looking down at her, asking if she wats water. Hannah shakes her head. “Why is there so much security?” Because of what Emelia had said, Hannah watches his face when she asks that. Something’s off. Manager Lee looks around them, looking at the security, and then smiles down at Hannah. he puts his arm around her to keep the conversation between the two of them, telling her that it’s the concert management that have set up the security. Though it makes sense, Hannah still pouts at his answer. Her pout turns into a smile when Emelia is told to get ready, and the youngest lady gives a cheerful good luck to the rapper. With Emelia going up on stage, Hannah looks at the guards getting busy. She is still suspicious of the security, thinking it’s too much. Maybe she should blame Shiwon for it but she can’t get it out of her head. Either way, Hannah moves to get a better view of the stage, wanting to see Emelia perform. The audience is loud, energetic and most of them are probably drunk. The good mix in the audience, since they love everything as long as the music is loud and fun. Standing next to the stage is Namjoon from BTS stands there since he is going up on stage to feature in two of Emelia’s songs. He looks ready, bouncing lightly to the current song she is performing. He looks to enjoy it. Hannah is too, several meters away from him, enjoying Emelia’s performance and loving the sound of the crowd cheering and trying to rap along. They are as good as Hannah at rapping, knowing specific words here and there. As if he didn’t know she was there, Namjoon gives a big reaction when spotting her and they greet each other awkwardly though they have seen each other earlier a few times. “I didn’t see you,” Namjoon tells her, speaking English and taking a few steps closer. He speaks English often with Emelia, so Hannah thinks it comes naturally to use it with Hannah too. “That’s alright,” she says in Korean, before changing to English; “The crowd is on fire tonight.” “I know,” he excitedly answers and looks up at the stage. “I can’t wait to go up there. And I haven’t performed with EM much either, making me nervous but also a bit more excited.” “I feel that too. And since you’re performing later, it’s like a warmup when going up briefly now,” Hannah nods. They are both the same; going up during Emelia’s stage and later going up for their own performance. Namjoon gives a sound and nods, agreeing completely. Their voices die out when focusing on the stage, admiring Emelia. Namjoon is so out of it that a staff member has to touch his arm for him to react. Hannah wishes him luck before he goes up on the stage, waiting next to it for his que and Hannah is longing for her turn when hearing the crowd cheer at his powerful rap appearance. She doesn’t expect the same reaction, but just to be on stage with this energy will be fun. The other members of BTS are showing up during Namjoon’s time on the stage, telling each other they missed some and such. They are there to admire their leader like Hannah admires her friend. Unlike Namjoon, they do notice Hannah and greet her politely. They don’t talk with each other though. When Namjoon comes back from the stage, his friends are cheering on him and Hannah lightly applauses for him doing well. A song later and she is the one going up to join Emelia’s stage. She can’t hear anything when she goes up on the stage, strong spotlight is on her and the music is playing in the earpiece. It’s as it should be though and Hannah does as they rehearsed, singing her parts, Emelia raps and they go full out having fun. Though Hannah doesn’t know about the audience, looking at Emelia, she knows from her friend that they do well. She will still ask her manager when she goes backstage. Their song ends faster than expected and Hannah hurries off the stage, following the direction of a staff member. Two guards are standing right next to the stage, scaring her for a second when she comes around the corner. Then she spots Manager Lee and she asks him pretty quickly when giving the microphone to a staff member how the performance went. “You didn’t hear?” he asks, looking impressed. “They screamed like crazy.” That’s good, Hannah thinks, feeling happy. She is going up as soon as Emelia is done. She has her stylist fix her makeup a bit, just a check-up, she drinks some water and feels the adrenaline from just being on the stage. She is in the zone, it feels like it because she doesn’t even notice that BTS are still standing on the side of the stage. She just looks at the stage and is directed to go get ready for her own stage, asking the staff if they can do something about the bright spotlights but that is something they already have asked before and can’t adjust. Her dancers get ready too, as they aren’t on stage with Emelia at the moment. It’s her turn. Just like before, the bright spotlights and the earpiece makes her both death and blind from the crowd when starting her stage. At the end of the first song, she takes out on of the earpieces just to not be completely deaf to hear surroundings. It is a huge difference! The crowd is screaming along to the song, as if the military is here chanting and it doesn’t change when the next song begins. She performs five songs, including the Musketeers [Energetic]. When introducing it, she asks the audience to sing along since she is performing it alone. But she doesn’t really need to because they are singing loudly anyway. It makes it more fun, more enjoyable. She jumps around and interacts with the fans she sees when moving to the front of the stage, loving the thought that soon enough, she will do this with all of the ladies. After Hannah, it is BTS turn on stage. She takes her time next to the stage when giving away the microphone, watching the last performers of the concert. The crowd is on fire. She drinks some water and changes shoes, breathing out while enjoying BTS’ stage. Manager Lee is next to her, holding out his hand to take the bottle of water once she is done. He keeps looking around though so eventually, Hannah looks around too. “What are you looking for?” she asks, frowning at her manager who is giving her the weirdest expression. “Nothing. Are you ready to leave?” He holds out his arm for them to leave and Hannah pouts, going with him. Three guards go with them, making her feel extremely small. What’s up with this though? Now when she isn’t on the stage anymore, she is back at being the suspicious lady, not thinking it is normal having guards walking around with you backstage. A few of the dancers are in the corridor, drinking some water and talking about going home to watch a movie tonight, some planning to go out and drink. Hannah opens to ask where they are going, what happens next happens quickly. Someone is running through the corridor in front of them, some man she only glances at before she is pushed back and two of the guards that has accompanied them steps forward to stop the men. The dancers all turn around, asking what’s going on and Manager Lee holds on to Hannah’s arm, taking her away from there without her knowing what they are walking away from. Voices are heard, questions are asked and even if Hannah asks who that man is, Manager Lee just mumbles they it’s nothing. She doesn’t understand anything. A man was running, a staff member being late for something or in a hurry to go to the bathroom, maybe an important call to someone; she doesn’t understand why they make a big deal out of it. “Oppa, what’s going on?” Hannah asks, removing the hand holding on to her arm a bit too tightly. The guard stops walking when she does and Manager Lee looks troubled. “Why am I the only one not having a clue what’s going on here? Why is he here? No offense. And what just happened over there?” The guard doesn’t look offended when she asks why he is here, but he does look like he wants to answer her questions since Manager Lee looks like he doesn’t want to. When her manager is about to grab her arm gently and says they should go back to the room first, Hannah removes his hand again and starts walking on her own. He walks behind her, the two of them acting like an upset couple while he mutters behind her of the directions for her to find to the room. They take a long route to the dressing-room to not walk through that corridor, but when reaching the dressing-room, she sees that dancers Myung and Sukmin are both outside the room. She knows for sure they were talking in the other corridor earlier but again, when she is about to ask them a q
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Suuhaanaa #1
Chapter 62: Thank you for the update! I kept coming to this story whenever im bored. Really love your story!
Chapter 61: Just so you know I am re reading everything again from the very beginning and I keep on having the same feelings. Thanks for the update!😊😊😊
Chapter 58: Wow! Thsnk you soooo much for the update. Missed reading this! ♥️
I know that all the restrictions are eased, so why not coming back making new chapters?
It's been 2 and a half years!
Chapter 56: Ahhh, I wish that year 2017 comes to a end and then make 2018 a fresh start of the year!
Would you please update now? I can't stand waiting here...
Chapter 56: Still no updates from you at all, please update now, it's already May.
Chapter 56: It's almost May and I don't see any updates here since last month...
Would you please update?
Chapter 56: Please update soon, please? We've been waiting impatiently here.